

  • Abstract submission deadline - 15 mars
  • Registration open and list of accepted abstracts - 15 avril
  • Registration deadline - 15 mai
  • Ecology & Behaviour symposium - 26-30 août 2024

Ecology & Behaviour, what is it?

Ecology & Behaviour (E&B) is a scientific symposium focused on the themes of ecology, evolutionary biology, and animal behavior. It takes place in a French city with one or more laboratories working on a related topic. Since 2005, the event has been organized by doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers grouped within the Ecology & Behaviour meetings Association.

From the 26 to 30 of August 2024 the 16th Ecology and Behaviour meeting will be held in Chizé !

A symposium with no financial contribution from participants

The Ecology and Behaviour symposium is organized to allow young researchers, both French and foreign, to present their work to a broad audience and also to exchange and establish connections within the international scientific community. Unlike most major conferences that impose participation fees, often prohibitive for doctoral students, the E&B meetings do not require any financial contribution.

Only transportation is at your expense, provided that you present your work (in the form of a presentation or poster).

An international symposium

The presentations and posters are entirely presented in English to encourage the participation of international students. This enables young researchers from around the world to establish connections among themselves and contemplate future collaborations.



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